Not feeling motivated to save money after paying off debt? Me either! Here are the reasons why we should save and how to make it a habit. Life after debt definitely hasn’t been exactly what I thought it would be (well obviously, I didn’t see a global pandemic coming at me). After paying off $26,500 […]
When planning your next vacation, don’t forget to budget for these 12 often overlooked travel costs! You don’t want that credit card bill shock when you get home. I always recommend paying for your vacation before you leave home. Why? Because no one likes to be stressed out about that credit card bill when you […]
Given that we are about 10 weeks into the state of emergency here in Nova Scotia, and I have been off work for 11 weeks, I thought it would be interesting to look at our budget before the pandemic and compare it to what it’s currently like. Let me tell you, this was an eye […]
Starting a budget can be intimidating! Here are my budgeting tips for beginners that will help you start budgeting on the right foot. If you’re just starting your budget, or maybe having trouble sticking to one, you are in the right place! Even though I have been budgeting consistently for the last almost 3 years, […]